Numerology Meanings Can Give You An Understanding Of Yourself And Your Future

Perhaps you’re interested in numerology numbers and would like a bit more information about it, and about numerology meanings. Well, if that’s the case, there’s no need for concern, because there are all sorts of resources available to you, there are books on numerology available.

But in this internet age almost all the information that you require is already available to you online, and it’s just a question of reaching out for it, which you can do with the click of your mouse.

The ancients were always fascinated by the mathematics and numbers, and that is perhaps the root of numerology. Now, obviously each country has its own system of numerology, and these systems can differ where numerology meanings are concerned and indeed sometimes even clash with each other.

For example, the system of numerology practiced in western culture is entirely different from the Indian system of numerology, which is called Vedic numerology. Different systems can have widely differing numerology meanings.

Numerology is similar to astrological predictions in that it is not just used for predictions, but also as a way to understand yourself, your personality and your motivations. Of course, each person’s personality is unique.

Some may have the aggressive personality that goes out and gets what they require, whereas other personalities are far more easy going and don’t like a conflict. There are those who wish to dominate their environment and even those around them, and others might be quite passive and non- threatening.

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There are those who are disciplined and who know how to organize themselves and their lives, and often even other people, whereas there are others who do not consider these things quite so important and can be more careless about time and how they use that time.

Numerology is the art of predetermining a person’s personality traits, and predicting what that person may be and what their reactions might be like in a particular situation.

Of course, none of these things is carved in granite so to speak, and virtually every trait can be changed, and that is exactly what numerology is all about – about putting into your hands the power to change your personality, the way you react to the world and the way it reacts to you.

By using numerology you can focus upon different aspects of your personality and understand what aspects that belong to you are positive and how you can enhance these positive aspects of your personality, and it’s also about understanding the negative aspects of your personality and how to reduce them.

Remember that numerology has been in place as a system for a good many thousands of years, and has been used by a great many people in those thousands of years as a basis for their lives.

Now, one of the key tools when you want to use numerology is to have a numerology chart. One of the simplest ways to acquire such a chart is to simply consult a numerologist to create a chart for you. But wouldn’t you like to know how to create your own numerology chart?

If you do some research on the net, you’ll find a great many tutorials that will tell you quite clearly how to make your own numerology chart. Don’t underestimate the power of the internet. No matter what you want to do or what art you want to learn, you’ll find tutorials to help you on the net and numerology is no different from anything else.

Alternatively, you can get yourself a free numerology reading online.

So how do you determine your number, and once that number is determined, how do you determine the numerology meanings of that number? Well one way to determine your number is by consulting your date of birth.

What you need to do is to add up all the numbers in your date of birth – the day, the month and the year, and if it amounts to a double digit figure, you need then to add up two digits of that figure until you acquire a single digit. This digit is your number. Each number has, of course, its own characteristics.

The number 1 is a very dominant number and has the mind and heart of a pioneer. The number 2 is extremely balanced and harmonious, and can also be sensitive. The number 3 governs creativity, and such a person can speak well and can function very spontaneously.

The number 4 is very disciplined, honest and hardworking. The number 5 requires considerable change in its life and that rather regularly. The number 5 is also rather resourceful. The number 6 governs caring, affection and empathy.

The number seven governs intellectual pursuits and spirituality. The number eight represents authority and brilliant organizational skill, whereas the number 9 lasts in the sequence and governs compassion, wisdom and a gift for understanding people.

Thus you see that each number represents a very different kind of personality, and knowing how the numbers affect a personality can make all the difference to your life.

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This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Tracy

    Well done article that. I’ll make sure to use it wilsey.

    1. jenni

      Glad you liked it…. Jenni

      1. Sundance

        Right on-this hepled me sort things right out.

      2. jenni

        Gald u like it Sundance… Jenni

      3. jenni

        Glad you sorted things out Sundance….. Enjoy and happy reading… Jenni

    2. Jayna

      Pefcert shot! Thanks for your post!

      1. jenni

        Thanks Jayna…. Happy reading.. Jenni

    3. Lyndee

      This atrilce went ahead and made my day.

      1. jenni

        Thanks Lyndee…..Glad it made your day …. Jenni 🙂

      2. jenni

        Glad It made your day…… I loved it tooooo. Jenni

      3. jenni

        Thank you lyndee…. Glad you enjoyed it… Jenni

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