Office Feng Shui And How it Helps Enhance Romance, Health And Prosperity In Your Life

Office Feng Shui can be important because Feng shui governs more than just how well you work at the office – the right Feng Shui can ensure that your life is touched with romance and health and prosperitym as well as ensure that things go well for you at the office.

Romance is an important part of anyone’s life and having your surroundings in ‘balance’ where Feng Shui is concerned can be crucial to how successful (or not) your relationships are. Ensure that the ‘chi’ energy flows smoothly around you, and you’ll find that your relationships tend to be less prone to problems and issues as well.

Just as importantly, since you spend a great deal of time in the office, it certainly has an effect on your personality, and that can impact how you behave outside the office as well. If you have the wrong Feng Shui in your office, you can find that this affects how you think and feel outside the office. Being all day in an adverse environment can make you irritable, for example, and you can just imagine how that would impact a relationship!

Yes feng shui love patterns can actually be crucial to office Feng Shui.

And it’s just the same with health and prosperity – since you spend so much time in the office, having the wrong Feng Shui can certainly mean that it has an impact on your health. Having the wrong flow of energy around you can have serious consequences for your health, leading to respiratory and cardiovascular disorders, and, on a less serious level, a loss of energy and a feeling of apathy. And then there’s the question of prosperity, which, with it’s obvious connection with the office, can be all important.

Have the wrong Feng Shui in your office and you can, quite simply, find your career and prosperity going down hill. And yet keeping things in balance and ensuring the right flow of Chi around you office can be much easier than you think.

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Remember that Feng Shui is all about flow and balance, and the way energy moves around your domain, and getting this flow right and getting your environment in balance can make all the difference. Get this right and you will have more romance in your life, better health, and certainly more prosperity.

Remember also that Feng Shui is all about the flow of the chi – the cosmic energy that travels across the universe and through each object and living thing in the universe. Directing the chi properly ensures that your living and working space is in harmony with the universe, and this harmony ensures that whatever you do, you do with the universe moving with you rather than going against the flow, which can be all important when trying to achieve your goals.

Remember that feng shui as applied in the office is different from a feng shui living room, for example, the way you would set up furniture to create a feng shui love-enhancing pattern.

Now, one of the first steps that you need to take when setting up the right office Feng Shui to promote romance, health and prosperity is to promote an environment that is clean. Cleanness is all important to Feng Shui, and keeping a place that you live or work in clean is absolutely crucial.

Office Feng Shui demands that the office be neatly arranged, that there not be any unnecessary papers, books and files lying around, that the position of chairs be precise and every unnecessary object be removed.

There are certain objects that actually enhance the chi, such as feng shui mirrors, and they can be very decorative as well, so you can use these objects to decorate the office, but other than these, every object in your office should be functional.  This ensures that the energy flows efficiently through your domain, and this in turn will benefit every aspect of your personal and professional life.

Another aspect of office Feng Shui is comfort. You need to ensure that all the furniture, as well as chairs, tables and other objects in the office are comfortable. They should be easy to sit on, easy to work at, and you’ll find that not only does this enhance the productivity of you and your office staff, but also that it benefits your office Feng Shui by enhancing or exciting the chi.

The last thing that you need to pay attention to is objects and space in your office environment. Now, there has to be a very precise balance between space and objects in the office environment, and objects should be balanced by a certain amount of space which again should be balanced by a certain number of objects. When you have these things in perfect balance, it creates a very aesthetic look and feel, and this is also very beneficial to office Feng Shui.

Of course, there are great many more sophisticated methods than this, but to implement them you should really be a Feng Shui expert. I would suggest you implement these tips and then hire a Feng Shui professional to further enhance your office environment.

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Jaydee

    We need a lot more inshgits like this!

    1. Stew

      Heck yeah bay-bee keep them cmonig!

      1. jenni

        Thank Stew…. I will keep them coming… Jenni

    2. Fantine

      I see, I supspoe that would have to be the case.

      1. jenni

        Yep truths Fantine, glad you enjoyed it… Jenni 🙂

      2. jenni

        Yep its the truth… glad you liked it…. Jenni

      3. jenni

        Yep, that would be the case…. Jenni

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