Tarot Meaning: The Arcane Secrets Locked Within Tarot Card Decks

Tarot meaning is important to understand because a deck of tarot cards could be said to be less a set of images and more a journey.

A journey that starts with the first card in a deck, travels through the deck and ends with the last card. In a sense, a deck of tarot cards could be said to stand for a human being’s own journey through life.

Now, I’ll be discussing the tarot meaning of each card in the deck, and perhaps a little bit about the interpretation, but remember that the meaning that I give to a deck of tarot cards is not the only possible meaning, like many subjects in metaphysics.

What you think or how you think of a deck of tarot cards to a great extent depends upon your own mind, your own judgment and your own intuition. If a thousand people look at a deck of tarot cards, those thousand people can each have their own interpretation, and every single one of those thousand interpretations would be right.

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Now, when you look at tarot card decks, the Fool is first card in the Arcana. The Fool stands for many things: he stands for life, and he stands for death, and he stands for the journey in between.

The Fool is innocent. The Fool is confident, full of hardiness and ever ready to plunge into dangers he knows nothing about. And just one step up from the Fool when you study tarot meaning, is the next card – the Magician.

The Magician is one who has learned wisdom along the paths of life, and can now manipulate the world to his advantage. But the Magician still lacks something, and that is what the next card, the High Priestess, possesses.

The High Priestess possesses a sense of the spiritual that the Magician, with all his powers, still lacks.

One step up from the high priestess is another card, the Emperor. Now, the Emperor stands for authority, but the Emperor also stands for order, as against chaos.

The Emperor is a paternal figure, just like another card, the Empress, which stands for motherly love. Beyond the Emperor and the Empress is the Pope. This card obviously stands for religion, but it also stands for a higher wisdom governing the universe. The Pope can also stand for traditional values.

In Tarot meaning, beyond the Pope is perhaps the greatest wisdom – the Lovers. In passing through his journey through life, the seeker has learned how to care for another. The Lovers is a complex card, and it can stand for companionship, as well as for temptation. And of course it stands for choices.

Beyond the Lovers there is the Chariot, which stands for war – not necessarily the war of nations, but rather the war within an individual’s self, and how he battles within himself and with other people in pursuit of the choices he makes.

Beyond the chariot there’s another card – Strength. Strength is used to pursue one’s choices, and to make sure one reaches one’s goals.

Beyond this are other cards – the Hermit, the wheel of fortune, the justice, the hanged man. Some of these stand for obvious things, others have more mysterious representations. The hanged man, for example, does not represent death, which is represented by another card, but instead it represents a moment of being suspended between two situations.

Then there’s death in the Arcana, which does not stand for dying physically, but rather for the need to discard the old and to embrace the new.

Most of the following cards of the Tarot Arcana stand for complex things and have many different interpretations, depending, of course, on the person reading them and what their personal intuition tells them.

Some cards have just one or two meanings, while others have several dozen. The tarot meaning of the Sun is warmth and vitality, the Judgment signifies a journey’s end and the beginning perhaps of a new journey.

But perhaps a card with the most complex meaning of all and yet perhaps the simplest is the World. This signifies complete achievement, a life well passed, a goal well reached, an aim achieved.

Tarot cards have come down to us through centuries, and for centuries they have represented not merely a psychic phenomenon, but rather a human being’s journey into their own soul.

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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Jody

    You get a lot of repscet from me for writing these helpful articles.

    1. jenni

      Awwww thanks Jody. Glad you are enjoying them… Jenni

      1. Fantine

        Wow, that’s a really cvleer way of thinking about it!

      2. jenni

        Yep… I have been reading the tarot for around 22 years now… and im glad you liked it… Jenni

      3. Mavrick

        You saved me a lot of hsalse just now.

      4. jenni

        Glad the hassels are gone… we don’t need hassels… Glad you enjoyed reading my articles…. Jenni

    2. Raynes

      Never would have thunk I would find this so indispnesable.

      1. jenni

        Glad you enjoyed my articles.. I take gr8 pleasure in writting them.. Jenni

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