Zodiac Signs Help You Discover Your True Inner Feelings

The sun travels through space and its path is known as the ecliptic. Inside this area bordered by the path of the sun are a number of constellations and it is these constellations which make up the zodiac. The ecliptic is divided into 12 equal parts and, astrologically speaking, the zodiac is the method by which the constellations are located. In fact there are 12 signs each taking up 30 degrees.

Every person has a star sign, a zodiac sign and it is determined by your birthday. When not where you are born is the source of your sign. Now the sun is constantly moving and crosses the line between signs. If you are born the moment the sun crosses a line you are, as they say, born literally on the cusp.

The word zodiac comes from the Greek language and means circle of animals. Thus is it fairly easy to see how today the sun signs or star signs or signs of the zodiac are mainly represented by various creatures – a goat, crab, fish, ram, bull, etc.

Astronomers in Babylon around the 7th century BCE referred to the signs of the zodiac with their calendar then allowing one month for each of the constellations. Things have changed since then with astronomy and astrology becoming quite separate. But what is known as the modern zodiac is based on similar principles.

Compatible zodiac signs

Life has different components which sometimes may intersect. But for horoscope purposes we can discuss such things as relationships, business, health and wealth. Each zodiac sign is claimed to be compatible with another sign or signs for each component of life. Each sign is deemed to be compatible with someone of the same grouping plus two others. More specific details are available from any number of books, web sites or magazine articles which set out information like the following.

Zodiac sign Most compatible with
Aries Leo and Sagittarius
Taurus Virgo and Capricorn
Gemini Libra and Aquarius
Cancer Pisces and Scorpio
Leo Aries and Sagittarius
Virgo Taurus and Capricorn
Libra Gemini and Aquarius
Scorpio Cancer and Pisces
Sagittarius Aries and Leo
Capricorn Taurus and Virgo

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Zodiac signs matches

The 12 zodiac signs are divided into four groups with 3 signs per group. The titles of each group are fire, earth, air and water.  The breakdown is as follows.

  • The signs of FIRE are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
  • The signs of EARTH are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
  • The signs of AIR are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and
  • The signs of WATER are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

To make a detailed reading and thus create a horoscope, an astrologer may study the subject for many years. Likewise when creating a reading highlighting zodiac signs matches. But a rough guide as to compatibility or a match can be seen by seeing which elements go well together. Those of the same group are a natural mix.

Horoscopes for today

It is both easy and difficult to obtain your horoscope be it for today or for a future period such as a week, a month or even longer.  The main point to remember involves the old adage that ‘you get what you pay for’. There are hundreds of free daily horoscopes online, in newspapers and elsewhere. And it can be argued that they give plenty of advice. But they are certainly not detailed.

If you want what some astrologers call a genuine horoscope reading, time must be spent in plotting your chart. This involves the date and even the time of your birth. With that information, an astrologer can plot the position of the planets at the exact time you entered the world.

As you can imagine, this technical drawing, this planetary puzzle takes both time and skill to produce. But of course that is only the beginning because then the astrologer has to know what the various positions and alignments mean in terms of your reading. So yes, a daily horoscope won’t cost you anything but a complete and detailed horoscope takes time and costs money.

Astrologers tell us that if you get a professional and proper horoscope reading, the information contained therein can make a significant change and improvement to the life you lead.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Dany

    I was loonikg everywhere and this popped up like nothing!

    1. Janaya

      I’m gartfeul you made the post. It’s cleared the air for me.

      1. jenni

        Thanks Janya, clarity is a good thing.. happy reading… Jenni

    2. jenni

      You were meant to read it then, enjoy!! Jenni

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